We are leading in the plants service fields.
A prominent environmental company, Green Pakistan Kisan Rehbar (GPKR) is a private organization that specializes in plantations, wildlife conservation/interventions, monitoring, and nursery raising. In order to preserve a healthy environment for coming generations, we are dedicated to sustainable forestry techniques.
A vital and multidisciplinary field that seeks to repair and sustain the health of the planet's ecosystems, benefiting both nature and human societies.
Enhancing green cover improves air quality and supports biodiversity, creating healthier urban environments. It also mitigates climate change by sequestering carbon and reducing urban heat islands.
Experience the beauty of nature with our 100% natural plants, enhancing your space with vibrant greenery. Sustainably grown and carefully selected for your home and garden.
Environmentally friendly practices reduce harm to nature and promote sustainability. They conserve resources and minimize pollution.
We provide the perfect service for you.
Block Plantations, Dry Afforestations, Miyawaki Plantation, Linear & Avenue, Plantations
Seed Provsion, Nursery establishment, transporations, Thinings, Pruning, Management plans
Nursery development, Community awarness, Skilled development, Afforestations
A team of dedicated experienced professionals.